Search Results: "sven"

31 July 2016

Sven Hoexter: libinput option of the day: NaturalScrolling

Finally I got around taking a look at man libinput. And now with
Option "NaturalScrolling" "1"
in my xorg configuration multitouch scrolling works again in a natural way. What a relief, should've taken the 5 minutes to find that out a week ago.

25 July 2016

Sven Hoexter: me vs terminal emulator

I think my demands for a terminal emulator are pretty basic but none the less I run into trouble every now and then. This time it was a new laptop and starting from scratch with an empty $HOME and the current Debian/testing instead of good old Jessie. For the last four or five years I've been a happy user of gnome-terminal, configured a mono space font, a light grey background with black text color, create new tabs with Ctrl-n, navigate the tabs with Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right, show no menubar, select URLs with double click. Suited me well with my similarly configured awesome window manager, where I navigate with Mod4-Left and Mod4-Right between the desktops on the local screen and only activate a handful of the many default tiling modes. While I could get back most of my settings, somehow all cited gconf kung-foo to reconfigure the URL selection pattern in gnome-terminal failed, and copy&pasting URLs from the terminal was a pain in the ass. Long story short I now followed the advice of a coworker to just use the xfce4-terminal. That still required a few tweaks to get back to do what I want it to do. To edit the keybindings you've to know that you've to use the GTK way and edit them within in the menu while selecting the menu entry. But you've to allow that first (why oh why?):
echo "gtk-can-change-accels=1" >> ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Fair enough that is documented. Changing the keybinding generates fancy things in ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/accels.scm in case you plan to hand edit a few more of them. I also edited a few things in ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc:
So I guess I can remove gnome-terminal for now and stay with another GTK2 application. Doesn't feel that good but well at least it works.

26 June 2016

Clint Adams: A local script for local people

This isn't actually answering the question, but it's close. It's also horrible, so whoever adopts Enrico's script should also completely rewrite this or burn it along with the stack of pizza boxes and the grand piano. Input:
set -e
keyring=$ 1:-ksp-dc16.gpg 
myfpr=$ 2:-2100A32C46F895AF3A08783AF6D3495BB0AE9A02 
#keyserver=$ 3:- 
# this doesn't handle hokey fetch failures
#(for fpr in $(hkt list --keyring $ keyring  --output-format JSON   jq '.[].publickey.fpr')
#  hokey fetch --keyserver "$ keyserver " --validation-method MatchPrimaryKeyFingerprint "$ (Q)fpr "
#done) >$ NEWKEYS 
#gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --import $ NEWKEYS 
cp "$ keyring " "$ NEWKEYRING "
gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --refresh
hkt findpaths --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  '' '' '' > $ PATHS 
id=$(awk -F, "/$ myfpr )\$/  sub(/\(/,BLANKY,\$1);print \$1; " $ PATHS )
grep -e ",\[$ id ," -e ",$ id \]" $ PATHS    sort -n   tail -n 10 > $ FARTHEST_TEN 
targetids=($ (f)"$ $((sed 's/^.*\[//;s/,.*$//;' $ FARTHEST_TEN ; sed 's/\])$//;s/.*,//;' $ FARTHEST_TEN )   sort -n -u   grep -v "^$ id $") " )
targetfprs=($(for i in $ targetids ; do awk -F, "/\($ i ,[^[]/  sub(/\)/,BLANKY,\$2); print \$2 " $ PATHS ; done))
gpg2 --no-default-keyring --keyring $ NEWKEYRING  --list-keys $ targetfprs 
pub   rsa4096/0x664F1238AA8F138A 2015-07-14 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = 3575 0B8F B6EF 95FF 16B8  EBC0 664F 1238 AA8F 138A
uid                   [ unknown] Daniel Lange <>
sub   rsa4096/0x03BEE1C11DB1954B 2015-07-14 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0xDF23DA3396978EB3 2014-09-05 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = BBBC 58B4 5994 CF9C CC56  BCDA DF23 DA33 9697 8EB3
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
uid                   [  undef ] Michael Meskes <>
sub   rsa4096/0x85C3AFFECF0BF9B5 2014-09-05 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0x35D857C0BBCB3B25 2014-11-04 [S]
pub   rsa4096/0x1E953E27D4311E58 2009-07-12 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = C2FE 4BD2 71C1 39B8 6C53  3E46 1E95 3E27 D431 1E58
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
uid                   [  undef ] Chris Lamb <>
sub   rsa4096/0x72B3DBA98575B3F2 2009-07-12 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0xDF6D76C44D696F6B 2014-08-15 [SC] [expires: 2017-06-03]
      Key fingerprint = 1A6F 3E63 9A44 67E8 C347  6525 DF6D 76C4 4D69 6F6B
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
uid                   [ unknown] Sven Bartscher <>
sub   rsa4096/0x9E83B071ED764C3A 2014-08-15 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0xAEB25323217028C2 2016-06-14 [S]
pub   rsa4096/0x83E33BD7D4DD4CA1 2015-11-12 [SC] [expires: 2017-11-11]
      Key fingerprint = 0B5A 33B8 A26D 6010 9C50  9C6C 83E3 3BD7 D4DD 4CA1
uid                   [ unknown] Jerome Charaoui <>
sub   rsa4096/0x6614611FBD6366E7 2015-11-12 [E]
sub   rsa4096/0xDB17405204ECB364 2015-11-12 [A] [expires: 2017-11-11]
pub   rsa4096/0xF823A2729883C97C 2014-08-26 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = 8ED6 C3F8 BAC9 DB7F C130  A870 F823 A272 9883 C97C
uid                   [ unknown] Lucas Kanashiro <>
uid                   [ unknown] Lucas Kanashiro <>
sub   rsa4096/0xEE6E5D1A9C2F5EA6 2014-08-26 [E]
pub   rsa4096/0x2EC0FFB3B7301B1F 2014-08-29 [SC] [expires: 2017-04-06]
      Key fingerprint = 76A2 8E42 C981 1D91 E88F  BA5E 2EC0 FFB3 B730 1B1F
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
uid                   [ unknown] Niko Tyni <>
sub   rsa4096/0x129086C411868FD0 2014-08-29 [E] [expires: 2017-04-06]
pub   rsa4096/0xAA761F51CC10C92A 2016-06-20 [SC] [expires: 2018-06-20]
      Key fingerprint = C9DE 2EA8 93EE 4C86 BE73  973A AA76 1F51 CC10 C92A
uid                   [ unknown] Roger Shimizu <>
sub   rsa4096/0x2C2EE1D5DBE7B292 2016-06-20 [E] [expires: 2018-06-20]
sub   rsa4096/0x05C7FD79DD03C4BB 2016-06-20 [S] [expires: 2016-09-18]
Note that this completely neglects potential victims who are unconnected within the KSP set.

16 May 2016

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (March and April 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Congratulations!

15 May 2016

Sven Hoexter: Failing with F5: ASM default ruleset vs curl

Not sure what to say on days when the default ruleset of a "web application firewall" denies access for curl, and the circumvention is as complicated as:
alias curl-vs-asm="curl -A 'Mozilla'"
It starts to feel like wasting my lifetime when I see something like that. Otherwise I like my job (that's without irony!). Update: Turns out it's even worse. They specifically block curl. Even
curl -A 'A' https://wherever-asm-is-used.example

15 February 2016

Sven Hoexter: distribution specific details

To state the obvious: my personal preference is to run Debian GNU/Linux. My current workplace is a CentOS shop and usually I'm the first to claim that it doesn't matter at all, and distribution specific implementation details are irrelevant for what we do (running a JVM). Let's take a short detour to the RedHat network-scripts. Two weeks ago we found some systems we originally installed in a different network segment, with different DNS servers and different search domains, came back up after a reboot with a rewritten 'resolv.conf'. Later on cfengine replaced the generated 'resolv.conf' with the intended one, so it wasn't that obvious to spot in the first place. A colleague found the origin of the rewritten 'resolv.conf' in a device specific configuration file that defined the 'DNS 1,2 ' variables with the installation time DNS server IPs from the other segment. I expected to experience the same behaviour (resolv.conf rewritten during startup and replaced by cfengine later on) in other locations, but assumed we just didn't notice it because the main difference would be a slightly different list of search domains. And I was wrong. I checked the timestamps of several 'resolv.conf' files and their cfengine backup file. None were recently created or related somehow to a reboot. grep-ing through parts of the network-scripts I found the following conditional in '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup'
if [ "$PEERDNS" != "no" ]  [ -n "$RESOLV_MODS" -a "$RESOLV_MODS" != "no" ]; then
   [ -n "$MS_DNS1" ] && DNS1=$MS_DNS1
   [ -n "$MS_DNS2" ] && DNS2=$MS_DNS2
      if [ -n "$DNS1" ] && ! grep -q "^nameserver $DNS1" /etc/resolv.conf &&
         tr=$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXXX) ; then
So if you adjust only the second nameserver IP you stored in "DNS2" in your configuration you end up without an update to your 'resolv.conf'. Now knowing that, I'd say this is relevant distribution specific knowledge, and I'm wondering how many of such subtle behaviours we've hidden in Debian specific solutions? Maybe knowledge about distribution specific implementation details even matters after all. Regardig the 'resolv.conf' issue itself the fault is on us. We as the responsible team did not read the documentation properly and thus deployed a configuration that later on let to some unexpected consequences. I try to remember those issues as an example for the next NetworkManager/systemd-networkd vs old-school-network-scripts argument.

9 February 2016

Sven Hoexter: examine gpg key properties

Note to myself so I don't have to search for it the next time I've to answer security audit questions. If you're lucky and you're running Debian you can install pgpdump and use
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export $KEYID   pgpdump
to retrieve a human friendly output. If you're unlucky you have to use
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export $KEYID   gpg --list-packets
and match the CIPHER_ALGO_ and DIGEST_ALGO_ numbers with those in include/cipher.h. Found the information in this thread. Update: anarcat suggested to take a look at the tools contained in hopenpgp-tools.

3 February 2016

Sven Hoexter: Moby

Maybe my favourite song of Moby - "That's when I reach for my revolver" - is one of the more unsual ones, slightly more rooted in his Punk years and a cover version. Great artist anyway.

25 January 2016

Sven Hoexter: DynDNS service

In case someone is in need of a free DynDNS service which allows you to configure AAAA recods and the TTL, you might want to look at BLABLADNS. It's rather HTTP API centric so you can configure everything with curl if you like.

14 January 2016

Sven Hoexter: call for trouble aka RM xchat

Well we want to freeze later this year so I started with the axing now. Maybe a bit premature like Mattia pointed out correctly in #debian-qa, because we've some maintained plugins for xchat around. cwirc a morse code via IRC plugin xchat-xsys system statistics output to a channel Update: There is a xsys plugin included with hexchat. xchat-guile GNU Scheme scripting plugin Update: Lionel agreed and created a RM bug. Thanks! I can survive without them, so I'd be fine with another three RM bugs. Now feel free to flame me, I promise to wear my finest asbestos underwear.

11 January 2016

Sven Hoexter: grep wc -l

I did some musings on my way home about a line of shell scripting similar to
if [  grep foobar somefile    wc -l  -gt 0 ]; then ...
Yes it's obvious that silencing grep and working with the return code is way more elegant and the backticks are also deprecated, or at least discouraged, nowadays. For this special case "grep -c" is not the right replacement. Just in case. So I wanted to know how widespread the "grep wc -l" chaining actually is. codesearch.d.n to the rescue! At least in some codebases it seems to be rather widespread, so maybe "grep -c" is not POSIX compliant? Nope. Traveling back a few years and looking at a somewhat older manpage also lists a "-c" option. At least for now I doubt that this is some kind of backwards compatiblity thing. Even busybox supports it. As you can obviously deduce from the matching lines, and my rather fuzzy search pattern, there are valid cases among the result set where "grep" is just the first command and some "awk/sed/tr" (you name it) is in between the final "wc -l". But quite some " wc -l" could be replaced by a "-c" added to the "grep" invocation.

7 January 2016

Sven Hoexter: Failing with F5: stderr, stdout - who cares

[root@adc:Standby:In Sync] config # tmsh save /sys ucs /var/tmp/foo.ucs
Saving active configuration...
/var/tmp/foo.ucs is saved.
[root@adc:Standby:In Sync] config # tmsh save /sys ucs /var/tmp/foo.ucs > /dev/null
Saving active configuration...
[root@adc:Standby:In Sync] config # tmsh save /sys ucs /var/tmp/foo.ucs 2> /dev/null
/var/tmp/foo.ucs is saved.
[root@adc:Standby:In Sync] config #
Seems F5 is not alone with such glorious ideas. A coworker pointed out that the "ipspace list" command on our old NetApps outputs a space and a backspace in some places.

4 January 2016

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 36 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort between December 27th and January 2nd: Infrastructure dak now silently accepts and discards .buildinfo files (commit 1, 2), thanks to Niels Thykier and Ansgar Burchardt. This was later confirmed as working by Mattia Rizzolo. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: banshee-community-extensions, javamail, mono-debugger-libs, python-avro. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Untested changes: The testing distribution (the upcoming stretch) is now tested on armhf. (h01ger) Four new armhf build nodes provided by Vagrant Cascandian were integrated in the infrastructer. This allowed for 9 new armhf builder jobs. (h01ger) The RPM-based build system, koji, is now in unstable and testing. (Marek Marczykowski-G recki, Ximin Luo). Package reviews 131 reviews have been removed, 71 added and 53 updated in the previous week. 58 new FTBFS reports were made by Chris Lamb and Chris West. New issues identified this week: nondeterminstic_ordering_in_gsettings_glib_enums_xml, nondeterminstic_output_in_warnings_generated_by_breathe, qt_translate_noop_nondeterminstic_ordering. Misc. Steven Chamberlain explained in length why reproducible cross-building across architectures mattered, and posted results of his tests comparing a stage1 debootstrapped chroot of linux-i386 once done from official Debian packages, the others cross-built from kfreebsd-amd64.

15 December 2015

Sven Hoexter: Some helpful commands from the CentOS yum and rpm world

Today I learned from my coworkers about a few helpful sub commands of yum and some other things from the rpm world. Just jotting them down here so I don't forget about them. Oh and why did we've to do it? Well CentOS 6 got a grep update from 2.6 to 2.20. That upgrade lost the --mmap option and some very old stuff started to fall apart because of the now unknown option. Update: There are some interesting issues related to this update in the RedHat Bugzilla. #1287074 #1256756 I added #1291714 just for the sake of completeness.
# yum history
ID       Login user                 Date and time      Action(s)        Altered
124   xxx                        2015-12-15 11:51   Downgrade           1
123   yyy                        2015-12-15 11:02   E, O, U           244 EE
122   zzz                        2015-12-15 10:57   I, O, U           255 **
Provides an overview of the last actions done with yum. On CentOS 7 (this one is from CentOS 6) the output seems to have changed slighty and it provides the commandline instead of the username.
# yum list installed   grep epel
bash-completion.noarch             1:1.3-7.el6                      @epel-Mirror
eventlog.x86_64                    0.2.13-1.el6                     @epel-Mirror
libnet.x86_64                      1.1.6-7.el6                      @epel-Mirror
pylint.noarch                      1.3.1-1.el6                      @epel-Mirror
python-astroid.noarch              1.2.1-2.el6                      @epel-Mirror
python-logilab-common.noarch       0.62.1-2.el6                     @epel-Mirror
python-unittest2.noarch            0.5.1-3.el6                      @epel-Mirror
Helps you to find out from which repository you installed which package.
# repoquery -i grep
Name        : grep
Version     : 2.20
Release     : 3.el6_7.1
Architecture: x86_64
Size        : 1197808
Packager    : CentOS BuildSystem <>
Group       : Applications/Text
URL         :
Repository  : update
Summary     : Pattern matching utilities
Source      : grep-2.20-3.el6_7.1.src.rpm
Description : [ ... ]
Kind of the rpm -q ... stuff on a repository level instead of the local rpm database. Update: T.P. provided a small shell snippet to show updates. Thanks.

1 December 2015

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in November 2015

My monthly report covers a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world. I write it for my donators (thanks to them!) but also for the wider Debian community because it can give ideas to newcomers and it s one of the best ways to find volunteers to work with me on projects that matter to me. Debian LTS This month I have been paid to work 21.25 hours on Debian LTS. During this time I worked on the following things: The Debian Administrator s Handbook Now that the English version has been finalized for Debian 8 Jessie (I uploaded the package to Debian Unstable), I concentrated my efforts on the French version. The book has been fully translated and we re now finalizing the print version that Eyrolles will again edit. Paris Open Source Summit On November 18th and 19th, I was in Paris for the Paris Open Source Summit. I helped to hold a booth for Debian France during two days (with the help of Fran ois-R gis and several others).
Fran ois Vuillemin, Juliette Belin and Rapha l HertzogFran ois-R gis Vuillemin, Juliette Belin and Rapha l Hertzog
On the booth, we had the visit of Juliette Belin who created the theme and the artwork of Debian 8 Jessie. We lacked goodies but we organized a lottery to win 12 copies of my French book. Debian packaging work Django. After two weeks of preparation for revers dependencies, I uploaded Django 1.8 to unstable and raised the severity of remaining bugs. Later I uploaded a new upstream point release (1.8.6). I also handled a release critical bug first by opening a ticket upstream and then by writing a patch and submitting it upstream. I uploaded 1.8.7-2 to Debian with my patch. I also submittted another small fix which has been rejected because the manual page is generated via Sphinx and I thus had to file a bug against Sphinx (which I did). A work-around has been found in the mean time. apt-xapian-index NMU. A long time ago, I filed a release critical bug against that package (#793681) but the maintainer did not handle it. Fortunately Sven Joachim prepared an NMU and I just uploaded his work. This resulted in another problem due bash-completion changes that Sven promptly fixed and I uploaded a second NMU a few days later. Gnome-shell-timer. I forwarded #805347 to gnome-shell-timer issue #29 but gnome-shell-timer is abandoned upstream. On a suggestion of Paul Wise, I tried to get this nice extension integrated into gnome-shell-extensions but the request has been turned down. Is there anyone with javascript skills who would like to adopt this project as an upstream developer? It s a low maintenance project with a decent and loyal user base. Misc. I fixed bug #804763 in zim which was the result of a bad Debian-specific patch.
I sponsored pylint-plugin-utils_0.2.3-2.dsc for Joseph Herlant to fix a release critical bug. I filed 806237 against lintian. I filed more tickets upstream, related to my Kali packaging work: one against sddm, one against john Other Debian-related work Distro-Tracker. I finally merged the work of Orestis Ioannou on bug #756766 which added the possibility to browse old news of each package. Debian Installer. I implemented two small features that we wanted in Kali: I fixed #647405 to have a way to disable deb-src lines in generated sources.list files. I also filed #805291 to see how to allow kernel command line preseeding to override initrd preseeding the fix is trivial and it works in Kali. I just have to commit it in Debian, I was hoping to get an ack from someone in charge before doing it. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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17 November 2015

Sven Hoexter: The 2015 version of Alanis Morissette Ironic

Something that made my day this week was a 2015 version of Alanis Morissette Ironic. It's even a bit more ironic when you're partially cought in a hands clean situation.

Sven Hoexter: Failing with F5: assign a http profile and an irule at the same time

Beside of an upgrade to TMOS 11.4.1HF9 I wanted to use a maintenance today to assign some specific irule to a VS. Within the irule I use some HTTP functions so when I tried to add the irule to the already existing VS the tmsh correctly told me that I also need a http profile on this VS. Thanks tmsh you're right, oversight by myself. So what I did was:
tmsh modify ltm virtual mySpecialVS rules   mySpecialiRule   profiles add   company-http-profile  
tmsh accepted but all my tests ended at the VS. I could connect but got no reply at all. That was strange because I tested this irule extensively. So I reverted back to the known good state with just plain tcp forwarding. My next try was to assign only the http profile without the irule.
tmsh modify ltm virtual mySpecialVS profiles add   company-http-profile  
Tested that and it worked. So what on earth was wrong with my irule? I added some debug statements and readded the irule like this:
tmsh modify ltm virtual mySpecialVS rules   mySpecialiRule  
And now it worked as intended. So I went on and removed my debug statements, tested again and it still works. Let's see if I can reproduce that case some time later this week to fill a proper bugreport with F5. Update: Turns out it was all my fault. Due to a misunderstanding about RULE_INIT and the static namespace, I managed to overwrite important variables globally. Lesson learned: Be very careful if you use "static::" or better avoid it. Also think twice if you start to set things on the RULE_INIT event. Since it's only called on saving an irule or restarts of the device, your errors might show only later when you do not expect that.

9 November 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 28 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Chris Lamb filled a bug on python-setuptools with a patch to make the generated requires.txt files reproducible. The patch has been forwarded upstream. Chris also understood why the she-bang in some Python scripts kept being undeterministic: setuptools as called by dh-python could skip re-installing the scripts if the build had been too fast (under one second). #804339 offers a patch fixing the issue by passing --force to install. #804141 reported on gettext asks for support of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in gettextize. Santiago Vila pointed out that it doesn't felt appropriate as gettextize is supposed to be an interactive tool. The problem reported seems to be in avahi build system instead. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: celestia, dsdo, fonts-taml-tscu, fte, hkgerman, ifrench-gut, ispell-czech, maven-assembly-plugin, maven-project-info-reports-plugin, python-avro, ruby-compass, signond, thepeg, wagon2, xjdic. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Chris Lamb closed a wrongly reopened bug against haskell-devscripts that was actually a problem in haddock. FreeBSD tests are now run for three branches: master, stable/10, release/10.2.0. (h01ger) diffoscope development Support has been added for Free Pascal unit files (.ppc). (Paul Gevers) The homepage is now available using HTTPS, thanks to Let's Encrypt!. Work has been done to be able to publish diffoscope on the Python Package Index (also known as PyPI): the tlsh module is now optional, compatibility with python-magic has been added, and the fallback code to handle RPM has been fixed. Documentation update Reiner Herrmann, Paul Gevers, Niko Tyni, opi, and Dhole offered various fixes and wording improvements to the A mailing-list is now available to receive change notifications. NixOS, Guix, and Baserock are featured as projects working on reproducible builds. Package reviews 70 reviews have been removed, 74 added and 17 updated this week. Chris Lamb opened 22 new fail to build from source bugs. New issues this week: randomness_in_ocaml_provides, randomness_in_qdoc_page_id, randomness_in_python_setuptools_requires_txt, gettext_creates_ChangeLog_files_and_entries_with_current_date. Misc. h01ger and Chris Lamb presented Beyond reproducible builds at the MiniDebConf in Cambridge on November 8th. They gave an overview of where we stand and the changes in user tools, infrastructure, and development practices that we might want to see happening. Feedback on these thoughts are welcome. Slides are already available, and the video should be online soon. At the same event, a meeting happened with some members of the release team to discuss the best strategy regarding releases and reproducibility. Minutes have been posted on the Debian reproducible-builds mailing-list.

5 November 2015

Sven Hoexter: dh, dpkg-buildflags, LDFLAGS and the ugly way to stop overlinking

I just got asked by someone I help out with sponsoring uploads from time to time how to get rid of overlinking. Since wheezy or maybe even earlier dpkg-shlipdeps will complain with a warning like this:
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/
foobar/usr/bin/foobar was not linked against (it uses none of the
library's symbols)
That usually requires some build system fixes, or pkg-config fixes or something else. This one should provide a starting point if you'd like to read a bit more. But in case you're lucky, and you use debhelper, and the buildsystem is sane enough to read the LDCONFIG environment variable
export DEB_LDFLAGS_MAINT_PREPEND := -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed
in your debian/rules can be enough. I admit that's still a bit of a hack that requires some luck to work out and can break in strange and nasty ways. But if it work's I'm fine with it. man 1 dpkg-buildflags hold the details to the mechanics in use here regarding the environment variables.

2 November 2015

Sven Hoexter: Systemadministration and education

USENIX lately started a new journal called JESA to tackle the issue of education for Systemadministrators. For the first issue Tom Limoncelli wrote an open letter which tries to summarize the current situation the industry faces. For me it's kind of a problem statement one can use to start thinking about solutions. Currently I don't see something like a formal education to call yourself Systemadministrator or Systemengineer anywhere near. And I don't think it's required. But still the expectations I see on both ends - employer and employee - often differ a lot in all kind of directions. In Germany we've a very organized (some call it bureaucratic) system of non academic education, organized as an apprenticeship. And like Tom wrote in the open letter mentioned above many IT departments do not follow best practise, and even more do so unintentionally because they never got that far. But what kind of people can you expect from this system when they got formed for three years in a rather sloppy environment? So there is a lot to fix, but as usual I've doubts when I think about possible solutions. Do I expect too much from the education system and/or the people? Do I look at the wrong people? Is this education system the right system to educate this kind of people I'd like to work with?

